A group of over 50 members, which was formed in 1987. If you are thinking of joining you need to be 55 years young. The existing members of the section will wish you many happy rounds playing with them. In fact it is almost compulsory to enjoy yourself because you will not be able to play without a smile on your face given the stories and jokes you will hear. If you are interested to join our seniors section just contact one of the committee and it will be arranged, no problem.
We have a small joining fee of £7.50
The Seniors section committee for 20/21 is as follows:
Captain – Peter Whitlock M.07593980724
Vice Captain – Trevor Smith
President – Norman Gray
Chairman – Michael Robson
Treasurer – Dave Kemp
Secretary – David Smith
Competition Sec. – Mick Montague
Committee Members – David France, Larry Hindmarsh, J Westgarth
We are part of Prudhoe G C and abide by the club’s rules, for example we follow the winter rules of the club and must use a mat on the fairways or move the ball into the rough. We have a notice Board in the Gents locker Room and all communications are posted on this board, including rules.
We have the first tee booked for us throughout the year on a Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8.30am usually for 2 hours, it can be less if the team is playing away.
We play for 12 trophies over the summer (honours boards are in the dining room). We also play 15 friendly fixtures against other vets/senior sections of golf clubs in the area. Sign-up sheets for these games and other competitions are posted on the notice boards a few weeks before the game. Information regarding competition draws and team selection for our friendly games is posted on the notice boards one week in advance so keep a look out for these sheets.
After games at Prudhoe it is normal that we have a chin wag over a drink and maybe a bite to eat, in the club house and this is often the best part of the day especially if the golf was not too good.
The seniors section hold 2 Open competitions each year (Texas Scramble and 4BBB).
These opens are always well supported and normally fully booked so get your entry in or you may be disappointed. You have to be at least 55 years of age to enter these open competitions and you have to have an official handicap ( maximum allowed 28 ).