One of the reasons people enjoy playing Prudhoe is the excellent condition of the course, especially the greens. The club will advise when winter rules, including preferred lies and the use of mats, apply.
Before leaving a bunker, make sure that you smooth over all marks and footprints with the rake.
Always replace divots on the fairways and repair pitch marks on putting surfaces. If a pitch mark is repaired immediately, it only takes 24 hours to recover. Leave it and it could take up to 15 days! Link to a short video on the correct way to repair a pitch mark:
Buggies, trolleys and bags are not to be taken onto putting greens. Buggies and trolleys should not be taken on to fringe areas between any greens and bunkers or on the tee boxes.
To avoid hole damage, please take care when removing and replacing flagsticks, do not tread on hole sides and under no circumstances should a ball be removed from the hole using a putter or the flagstick.
Observe all notices regarding “Ground Under Repair” (GUR) and roped areas keeping to the designated paths, especially when using a buggy or trolley.
Observe all notices regarding no entry to adjacent properties. In particular, do not enter the fields on the right of the 3rd fairway, or the park to the right of the 4th fairway to retrieve golf balls.
Avoid walking on worn and muddy areas in the winter.