As a new member, Prudhoe Golf Club extends a warm welcome and a sincere thank you for joining. We hope you enjoy many years of golf with us.
Information on the clubhouse opening hours, golf etiquette and the club’s dress code can be found elsewhere on this website and on notice boards around the club. Bar and clubhouse opening hours vary seasonally
Useful websites:
BRS. All tee bookings, casual golf and competitions are via BRS. You will be given a membership ID when you join. The website opens at 7.00 pm eight days prior, i.e. Friday evening for the Saturday at the end of the following week, etc. A link to the BRS website can be found on the top of the home page of this website, also available as an app (BRS Golf).
HowDidIDo. We use this site to sign in to and enter scores for competitions. You can set up your own account via the link on the home page of this site, or via the app (HowDidiDo).
My England Golf. This website and app allows you to monitor your handicap, which is based on the best eight scores out of your last 20 rounds. More information here:
Social media:
We regularly use social media to keep members informed, and to share news and information:
As a member you can use the course whenever you want, but we do ask members always to pre-book on BRS.
Lockers are available to members at an annual cost of £30.
New to the game? A few tips: